i believe in love...
i believe in love. i believe in magic. i believe in possibility. i believe in men and i believe in women. i believe sex is sacred and something to enjoy, something to enjoy, something to have fun with and something to take care with. i believe in slowing. it. all. down. in service to juicing every heavenly moment we get to experience for all its worth.
i believe in being awake. for all of it. i believe in sleep, deep rest. i believe in listening. i believe in silence. i believe in neutrality and unconditional compassion. i believe we are all doing the best we can and that there is always, always an opportunity for growth. there is always a choice for evolution.
i believe in staying creative, forever in the position of creation. engaging with it, dancing with it, singing with it.
i believe in light and i believe in kindness. and yes, i believe in a higher power, a god, in all forms. i believe in heaven on earth, i really do.
i believe in laughter and getting off on every stroke. i believe in our bodies and their ability to exist so magnificently in this place we call home. i believe in surrender and open hearts. i believe in orgasm and the sacred connectivity that can happen between us.
i believe in divinity and humanity. i believe that each and every one of us is inherently worthy and love-filled. and i believe in mistakes. i believe we will always be as honest with each other as we can be, as we are with ourselves.
i believe in acceptance, peace, joy, loving, gratitude, patience, equanimity, abundance and life.
and kissing.
i believe in kissing. a lot.