Life Goes On...
here's the thing, life goes the fuck on. britain is no longer part of europe and soccer still gets played, poorly by some, brilliantly by others and still always enjoyed by most. stock markets crash and babies still get born. wildfires burn and opus' get written. people all over the world still go to bars and order drinks and talk to strangers and have bodies touch underneath the table sending jolts of turn on up their legs. they remember that they can in fact connect face to face with men/women and that life does exist off of social media. thank. God.
people remember that horrible things happen but that does not make their lives horrible. that people are capable of doing horrible things but that does not dictate that people are horrible beings. no. in fact it's the opposite. people are amazing. they may make stupid decisions without being properly educated and life goes on. because people make mistakes all the time. small mistakes and huge ones. and mistakes, when used properly, make people look twice at what they want instead. mistakes can and ultimately will, no matter what, lead to creation, to rebirthing of something anything. and this is the proverbial rub, which beast are we going to feed?
are we going to feed the beast that focuses on the what happened as a mistake or the beast that knows it's an opportunity? are we going to focus on all the things that are wrong and why they happened and who to blame and how awful it is that these things are happening to us? or are we going to focus on the fact that we are actually alive to feel them? will we feed the beast that creates the suffering or lovingly accept the suffering as an opportunity to grow out of it?
it's not always that easy. people get stuck, it's true. and in the face of death and heartbreak and disease and politics and addiction and righteousness and wrongness and explosions and natural disasters, it feels beyond a shadow of a doubt true that these things are happening to us. not for us. but that is actually a perception choice. people, like victor frankl, imprisoned in not one but three different concentration camps during ww2, can choose to focus on things that will make them feel better. just the very next better feeling thought. Whatever that thought is.
and yes horrible things happen every second of every day but the sun still shines and the world still turns. and clouds still pass through the sky wanting to be seen and held in all of their magnificence. and humans are just like clouds. magnificent. magnificent as they open their eyes every morning faced with another day, a day that will have high points and will have low points.
a day where they will see, speak to and hug the people they love. a day where they will politely smile and avoid those they don't. a day where they will get phone calls from people they want to speak to while waiting for other phone calls that never seem to come. a day where they will forget, for a moment, that being externally referenced is in fact exactly the wrong beast to feed if they are wanting to experience peace and that nothing actually exists outside of themselves. a day where they will want to run home and hide under the covers in one minute and stand on the mountain tops and sing as loud as they can in the next. a day where music stops them and they can't help but dance. a day that reminds them that joy does exist because in one split second someone is so funny that they forget to remember to be miserable.
A day where britain leaves the EU and it will be ok. a day where they will meet someone at a bar and choose not to go to their hotel despite the electricity because they are choosing to honor the fact that in that moment they wanted more than that. A day where swings get swung, children fall down and flowers push through the dirt to bloom for the very first time. a day, hopefully, that will inspire them to choose to feed the beast of joy, the beast of creation, the beast of living expanded and free inside of their own consciousness because at the end of this and every other day that has ever ended, life does go on and there is not a damn thing we can do about it...